so deal with it ;-) (A little free time, maybe too much ) 1. There will be anon. posters who cause controversy and get everyone arguing about having anon. posters 2. Some people will play this game well into dinosaur-hood. Some people will leave to get lives or close facsimiles thereof. Some people will do both. Some of those people will make necessary contributions to the community. Any combination of these people will play trash, imho thats the way it's meant to be. 3. Obnoxious people exist, they are drawn to this. Showing off and odd personalities just go with it. Some people will always be assholes, you know who you are. Or more sadly you don't. There will always be those who believe in The One True Quiz Bowl and wish to punish dissenters. 4. People will always complain about Penn Bowl, (I can verify 6 years now of the same bitching) - People will still go to Penn Bowl 5. Sports questions are always too many, too few, too easy, to hard, to regional etc. depending on what you don't know 6. A good question is one you know the answer to. And, because I'm neither as bitchy, crabby, or old as I sound. 7. There will always be fun to be had if your attitude is right. Cheers, Beth Gaughan BGSU Alum Children's/YA Librarian, Beech Grove, IN P.S. Hi everyone
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