To end any confusion, my post was directed at Jason Mueller's
assinine suggestion that he is the best player between the Rockies
and the Mississippi River.
--Josh, who hopes Jason is at a singles tourney I play in
--- In, "bucktowntiger" <jdh22_at_c...> wrote:
> Obviously you're judging on only ICT stats... which is pretty
> stupid... because Andy Wehrman is better than you... so is Dargan
> Ware... Also, Andrew Mackenzie is better than you... as are Chris
> Romero and Candace Benefiel... as is Matt Cvijanovich... and this
> just off the top of my head.
> I'm nowhere near the caliber of the aforementioned players, and
> personally, I think a game between you and me would be close...
> --Josh at Arkansas (remember Rollapalooza???)