Charlie Steinhice, if you're out there, please e-mail me ASAP about
the buzzer set USF brought to the 2002 Moon Pie tournament and which
we still haven't gotten back yet (we brought three, but only two
were later returned to us).
I don't know which of my messages about this over the past months
have reached you. The missing Triple-Q buzzer set belongs to the
company I work for, and I urgently need to get it back. A few months
back, I sent you a money order to cover the cost of shipping it down
here, but I still haven't gotten a response. I'm getting a little
desperate now.
My team was supposed to get the set last week at this year's Moon
Pie tournament, but apparently it still didn't get done. Please e-
mail me immediately about this at
Jeremy Rasmussen
Quiz Bowl at USF
P.S. On a side note, we'd like to purchase some old question sets
from you and wonder if you would take a P.O.?