I'd like to reply to my bashers. To Arkansas: you're good and we both know it. We both have the right to proclaim/flame, and I respect that. To Stan J.: study your geography, because Greencastle, Indiana is not between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. To Sean: gee, you hate my guts. What a surprise. If it makes you feel any better, why don't you lord it over me Saturday at the high school state tourney about how you're moderating and I'm scorekeeping and your slightly higher high school scoring average. To qbtunagirl: I still think you're actually our former president/captain Katrina. You sound jaded and angry enough to be her. To those who attended our NAQT SCT: I was a bit of a Dromio, but I can't control reader speed and Div II would have went fine if SEMO had showed up and Wichita State could understand rules. And yes, I will be using an actual stat program at our upcoming tournaments September 27-28. To everyone else: please come to our college tournaments September 27-28. I promise they'll be much better than that NAQT fiasco. Jason Mueller Speaking only for himself, except for that part about coming to the tournaments September 27-28.
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