Hey all:
The UIUC Academic Buzzer Team held its highly unnecessary annual
elections a couple of weeks ago, as all candidates were of course
running unopposed. Here are the final results:
President: Dave Kiang
Vice-President: Brent Henderson
Treasurer/Chief Packet Editor: Sudheer Potru
Secretary: Andrew "A-Train" Thomas Ullsperger
Sergeant-at-Arms: The Infamous Hairboy, or Mike Sorice
*Shadow Dictator: Dom Ricci
* = appointed position
We'd also like to wish good luck to our departing grad students J.p.
Lien and Adam Malamen, two awesome players and friends that we'll
most certainly miss.
In other news, Illinois is planning on once again holding the
Illinois Open tournament. After talking things over with the rest of
the club, I'll have a moniker, dates, deadlines, and packet stuff out
in the next week or so.
OK, I think I'm done now. Hope everyone has a good summer.