About a week ago, I got spammed by a company called LearningWare. One
of their webpages included a five-team wireless buzzer system to go
with their "gameshow" software for the low price of $1,995.
Now, in the past, I've suggested in coversation that someone should
build a buzzer system that can be plugged into a laptop. Mike
"Hairboy" Sorice has told me that writing a computer program to handle
the buzzer system is trivial and that a buzzer can be designed from
parts costing easily less than $100 and that it wouldn't take much
time to do so.
It'd be nice. Heck, long-term, the software can be designed to allow
electronic tabulating of stats from a computer/buzzer system in each
room over a network. You can have customized sounds for buzing in and
have all the bells and whistles that wow some and annoy others.
So, not having expertise in electronics, I toss this out to the list.
Anyone have ideas?