Yes, that's the fomer Ga. State player and (I think at one time)
coach. He's moderated or played at every tournament he could make it
to, including College Bowl Regionals, to prepare for the TOC. I have
never seen anyone work so hard or as thoroughly to prepare for a TOC.
What a tournament! And what an ending! I thought the bow to the
audience at the end was a nice touch.
Did Erik take his Mom out drinking afterwards? :)
--- In, ajflemi <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> --- In, tgallows <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> >
> > Mark Dawson is a frequent moderator at Chattanooga tournaments.
> > That is presumably from whence Mark ye knoweth.
> Did he used to play for and/or coach Georgia State, or am I thinking
> of someone else?
> ajf