I guess this is mainly a question for Chris, but others may have
noticed this.
Yesterday, I saw the final quizbowl poll, and it listed 20 voters. I
went to look at it again just now, and some of the rankings have
changed. Also, there are now 26 voters (or possibly 28, though I'm
assuming those ballot numbers for Kentucky, Florida and Yale are
typos) for the poll as opposed to 20... and only 25 names listed at
the bottom.
I don't know what happened; if these ballots were received
legitimately in time and left out by mistake, that's fair to include
them, but if these people voted after the fact, those ballots should
not be included.
Yeah, I know someone will bring out the argument "why care? the poll
doesn't mean jack anyway," and mainly, they'd be right. Still, I've
always been interested by it, and I just want to see what led to the
extra ballots being added. (And to be honest, I have the more
selfish reason of wanting Maryland to finish in the top 10, my
personal goal for this year -- but if it wasn't meant to be, oh
Congrats to Chicago and Berkeley for winning their respective
national tournaments this year, and I wish everyone an excellent