Baby Hen IV will now be held on Saturday October 11, 2003 due to
conflicts with other tournaments in the region. More details will
follow later.
Also, please contact UD ACC through me, Matt Cushman at hrairoo24
(at) hotmail (dot) com
I failed to leave an address last time.
Matt Cushman
University of Delaware
--- In, hrairoo24 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> The Academic Competition Club at the University of Delaware is
> to announce our fourth annual freshman/sophomore tournament, Baby
> IV : Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free, to be held on
> Saturday October 4, 2003. The tournament will be untimed, with
> questions written in house, i.e. no packet submission required.
> Full details will be announced later.
> Matt Cushman
> University of Delaware