The Arkansas Quiz Bowl Team is pleased to announce the Natural State
Invitational, to be held on October 4, 2003, in sunny Fayetteville,
Arkansas. The Natural State Invitational will be of modified-ACF
distribution and style, written in-house (no packet submission
required). Difficulty will approximate ACF Fall, with a slight
tendency towards ACF Regionals. Masters/bastard teams are encouraged
to compete but will not be eligible for any championships. An all-
novice-team division may be formed depending on the number of teams
Fees are as follows:
Regular Base Fee: $90 per team
Base Fee for Novice Teams (composed entirely of 1st and 2nd year
players): $60 per team
Buzzer: $10 discount
Travel of over 400 miles: $15 discount
Travel of over 600 miles: $30 discount
If you'd like to register for the tournament, or if you have any
questions, please contact tournament director Joshua Hill, at (jdh22
at uark dot edu).
We sincerely hope to see you in Fayetteville this October!
--Joshua Hill, TD
Natural State Invitational