--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, castrioti <no_reply_at_y...>
> Good to see the West Coast circuit expanding, if at least by one
> team. I remember being beaten twice by a UCSD team at one
of UC Santa
> Barbara's tournaments a while back, but maybe that's less
> material.
Was this in the late 1980s?
> If UCSD still plays CBI, it's probable that there's a buzzer
> in a closet on campus somewhere that the CBI contact at
UCSD knows
> about and uses for its intramural tournament--
Actually, the university rents buzzer sets every year for CBI...
> replace a lost Judge. Union Board is very generous and kind to
let us
> borrow their system, though we still can't take it to
What's UNion Board?