Due to a family wedding that's on the 28th, I have to move Cancel
Bowl 4. AGAIN.
At this point, based on other tournaments and my work schedule, there
are two options:
1. Move it back to June 21
2. Move it to an indeterminate time in the future, perhaps not until
the new school year starts
Personally, going back to the original date wouldn't be a problem. I
know that some of you are planning to come a distance, and this
change may screw up already set travel plans. Sorry for that, but
it's not something I had a lot of control over.
So, if you have already said you'd attend, please email me at
cancelbowl at yahoo dot com and let me know which of the two options
listed above would work.
If there are folks who did not sign up who can make it on June 21,
you should also email me. Even if everyone who has already signed up
can come, we still need teams!
That's about it. More later after I've heard from folks.