> I've been fortunate enough to never have problems with being treated
> any differently -- but I'm not sure I see the difference
> between "overt sexism" like ignoring a female teammate and
> deliberately renaming a tournament a word meant to offend one
> particular gender. It would be like me naming a tournament
> Tournament In November You Probably Even Never Imagined Suggested.
> Amanda
That's a much funnier tournament acronym than the one from Cornell
(though those last few words don't quite fit). I don't think the
change from BRRR was meant to offend one gender, or to offend anyone
in particular -- it's just a (possibly alcohol- or alkaloid-induced)
joke which doesn't really work. Besides that, I'd hate to go to the
Student Activities people at my school to request funding to attend
the CUNT tournament.
--Raj Dhuwalia, UF