We interrupt this sophomoric subject/discussion to announce that UGA
will be hosting the Paul C Parker Debt Relief NAQT Juniorbird
Tournament Sept. 20, 2003, on the UGA Campus (place TBA).
This tournament is open to any freshmen or sophomores at their
respective school. We are allowing for multiple teams (A team, B
team, heck maybe even a C team).
Fees and discounts will be posted by the end of July. As for hotels,
Im sure you can find some rooms in Athens since there is no football
game that weekend (they're at LSU that day). I checked Hotwire today
and a two star is 71 a night and a two 1/2 star is 75 a night, which
is good for Athens in the fall. (My guess is that they are the
Holiday Inns near Downtown).
If you are interested in taking part and want to secure a spot now
and avoid the Labor Day rush, please email me at either Dawgboy30152
at aol dot com or Quizdogs at uga dot edu for more info.
We now return you to you irregularly scheduled rants.