On Sunday (2/6), I had the opportunity to try out for the NBC game show, "21." What was it like? I'll try to be brief (but I probably won't :) ). The contestant search began Sunday morning at 8am at a downtown D.C. hotel (the Wyndham City Center, for those who keep track of this). Over the next three hours, between 300-400 people took the written test just to qualify for the second round of testing. My written test was at 10am. I entered the conference room with about 80 others and took my seat. About 3-4 members of the show's staff (all of them in their late 20's-early 30's) welcome us and explain how the testing works. We will be given a 30-question written test on popular culture, general knowledge and the like (10 true/false, 10 MC, 10 fill-in). We'll have 10 minutes to take the test. The tests are handed out, and we begin. While I can't comment on specific questions on the test (they use the same tests for contestant searches nationwide), I can say that if you know basic pop culture and general knowledge, you'll pass. My best estimate - I answered at least 28 of the 30 correctly. After the tests were collected, it was time for a little Q-and-A about the show. First off, the "Love Connection" contestant selection has been ELIMINATED! Contestants will now be chosen randomly, NOT by the audience. I raise my hand, and ask a question about reports that the show's prize money structure had been changed as of Saturday's tapings (read about this on Steve Beverly's GSCC). The "21" employee who was taking question said he wasn't sure, but he "believed" the prize money structure would be changed to $25K for the first game, then $50K for the second, $75K for the third, and so on. He said it would now take SEVEN games, rather than four, to win the million. No word on the future of "Perfect 21." Someone asks about when the show airs. Our friend said NBC is close to committing this show on Wednesdays at 8PM ET, despite, in his words, "the intentions of WWTBAM." He then went on a somewhat-funny stream of sarcasm about WWTBAM's programming tactics, airing a "special" episode opposite 21 last week when it was announced the latter would have its first million-dollar winner. The other 21 employees return with the tests, and they announced who passed for Round 2. And I'm one of them! I for the second round of tests. About 70-80 people are around. For the second round, we are going to play a two-round mock game of "21." According to the show, personality is just as important as performance - they'd rather have a player who scores a two but has the personality of, say, a Jason Block, then someone who scores a 21 but is dull as driftwood. An hour later, I have my test game. I play to a 7-7 tie against a stay-at-home mother of three. I missed a nine-point question on rock music (it was a question on the MTV VMA's - I know nothing about the VMA's :) ), but got a seven-point question correct on architecture. I thank everyone for the experience and head on home. So, will I be on "21" anytime soon? Probably not. But did I have fun? DEFINITELY. I met dozens of great people, who shared a passion for game shows like many quiz bowl folks (one player's 10-minute soliloquy on Greed was entertaining :) ). The people on 21 treated us well and rooted for us all. And the fact that I qualified for the second round was an accomplishment in itself. Thanks for reading! If you have any other questions, e-mail me. James
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