While one bad packet rarely invalidates a tournament (it happens,
yes), it appears in this case it did not happen.
If people thought overall the questions were good, that is their
opinion. However, it is important to point out such negative details
for the future. If the packet was so bad, why was it used? Why was
it not heavily edited? Constructive criticism is an important part
of improving tournaments. Heed Santayana's advice, and all will be
well in the world of quizbowl. You are not a bad person if you point
out the foibles of a tournament, as long as you are not rude in doing
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, metallidawg84 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> I think that one packet that you don't like doesn't immediately
> invalidate a tournament. I read at NATSSO, and it was very
> well/efficiently run, the questions were good aside from repeats,
> and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Sorry that you find such
> comments nauseating.