I had thought of some of these myself.I was
limiting my own thinking to people who have played in a
Trash format in the past year. As far as the region
problem goes, well, I know the trash circuit is
east-coast heavy, and there is a possibility for a slant. In
trying to compile my own list, I looked at stats for the
Ann B. Davis, and asked Charlie Steinhice for the
Trashmasters stats, to try to match some names with faces that
I may not know. I also was drawing on my own
experiences, but I haven't played much against the West Coast
people, so that proved to be problematic. If I could
solicit enough ballots from all over, I think some stuff
would even out. I also agree that this shouldn't be
that serious, I'm not trying to bruise any egos here.
I would just like to see what happens and what
other people think