Hey guys, it is now official, Brandeis University is holding an NAQT
juniorbird on Saturday, September 20th 2003 AD (for those of you
Sports Night fans.) The standard elligibility rules apply, meaning
this tournament is open to all first and second year players. There
will be good times and good competition, a great way to break in
novice players into the world of quiz bowl.
Fee structure as yet unannounced, but look for something quite
similar to the junior bird in UGA for a guideline. We are always in
need of moderators and buzzers, and anyone interested in that should
contact me.
If you are interested, you should e-mail me at danpass _at_ brandeis .
edu (without the spaces, of course.) I can try my best to answer any
questions you might have, especially if they are baseball-related. We
look forward to a good turnout.
Dan Passner, Brandeis QB President
danpass _at_ brandeis . edu