Maryland Masters
Adam Patrick Fine Tooth Comb defeated 'Darn Good' Intelligence 235-
100 in the final. The two teams had split during the double round
1. Adam Patrick Fine Tooth Comb (Adam Fine, Arthur Fleming, Roger
Craig, Dennis Loo) (9-1)
2. 'Darn Good' Intelligence (Guy Jordan, Carol Jordan, Chris White,
Bill Tressler) (8-2)
3. Rutgers (Jason Keller, Dave Hayes, James McGhee, Elliott Almanza)
4. Princeton (Lenny Kostovetsky as well as four other Princeton
people) (4-6)
5. Branzai! (Ted Stratton, Dan Passner, Jason Myrowitz, Augustine
Kim) (2-8)
6. B Team (J.J. Tudor, Ari) (0-10)
The B Team was a team of all-stars compiled at the last minute to
replace Matt Weiner's last minute cancellation.
Stats will come eventually. The winners won some cool books.
Hobnobus Singles
Arthur Fleming defeated Guy Jordan in the "final" to win.
3. Dennis Loo
4. Jason Keller
5. Carol Jordan
6. Chris White
7. Ted Stratton
8. Roger Craig
9. Augustine Kim
10. Bill Tessler
11. Jason Myrowitz
12. Ari
13. Dan Passner
The "grand prize" went to Jason Myrowitz, because no one else could
go: two tickets to the Bon Jovi concert tomorrow. The top six people
present won more cool books. Stats, including an illustration of the
process, will come eventually.
Daniel Greenstein
Tournament Director
MAQT President