I REALLY like those type of questions! It keeps everyone on their toes, knowing that even if the lead-in is total Greek to them they might understand the next clue and be able to figure it out... William Quoting jeremycec <no_reply_at_yahoogroups.com>: > <html><body> > > > <tt> > Let me ask the forum's opinion on mixed-genre questions. I realize > <BR> > that packet guidelines are formulated to ensure there is a good <BR> > mixture of questions in each packet. However, I often find myself > <BR> > writing questions of mixed genres (say, history and science) that <BR> > don't seem to fit too neatly under one specific header.<BR> > <BR> > Examples would include "Bonus: Answer the following about these <BR> > related things..." or "Tossup: The name's the same...."<BR> > <BR> > It seems to me that packet guidelines are often too rigid to allow <BR> > this kind of creativity. I personally like mixed genre questions. > <BR> > They test someone who has good crossover knowledge in multiple areas <BR> > instead of the usual player with some particular niche expertise.<BR> > <BR> > Jeremy R.<BR> > <BR> > <BR> > </tt> > > > > <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --> > > <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2> > <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC> > <td align=center><font size="-1" color=#003399><b>Yahoo! Groups > Sponsor</b></font></td> > </tr> > <tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF> > <td align=center width=470><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> > <td align=center><font face=arial size=-2>ADVERTISEMENT</font> <a > href="http://rd.yahoo.com/M=244522.3512152.4794593.1261774/D=egroupweb/S=1705080 866:HM/A=1595055/R=0/SIG=1247d4o3g/*http://ashnin.com/clk/muryutaitakenattogyo? YH=3512152&yhad=1595055" > alt=""><img > src="http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/qu/quinstreet/300x250_uofp_purple- arrows2.gif" > alt="Click Here!" width="300" height="250" border="0"></a></td></tr></table> > </td> > </tr> > <tr><td><img alt="" width=1 height=1 > src="http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l? M=244522.3512152.4794593.1261774/D=egroupmail/S=:HM/A=1595055/rand=665700799"></ td></tr> > </table> > > <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| --> > > > > <tt> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:<BR> > quizbowl-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com<BR> > <BR> > </tt> > > > > <tt>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the <a > href="http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/">Yahoo! Terms of Service</a>.</tt> > </br> > > </body></html> >
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