I don't think USC is having a Frosh/Soph tourney on 10/4/03 ('SC
people correct me if I'm wrong).
UCLA is hosting TWAIN IV (NAQT-based) for high school kids and
undergrads on Saturday, 10/4/03. Furthermore, USC itself has
already expressed interest in sending teams, making it very
difficult and outright funny if they tried to run a tournament on
that date.
If any west-coasters are interested in TWAIN IV, express interest to
raviucla at ucla dot edu. The fee schedule will be out in a couple
--- In, scoobyhed <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> Tulane may perhaps host a mirror of USC's frosh/soph tourney on
> October 4th. Please write to me at jhorn2 <at> tulane <dot> edu
> you're interested.