Hello All,
The questions from this year's Chicago Open and accompanying singles
tournaments are for sale. The team tournament consists of 15 packets
of 20-20 upper level difficulty ACF style questions, including 1-1
trash. The singles tournament is 300 tossups of NAQT Sectionals or
slightly lower difficulty, with a distribution similar to NAQT
without Current Events or General Knowledge. The cost is $20 per
packet set. I would be willing to trade for question sets from this
past year that the Chicago team does not have. If you're interested
you can e-mail me at subash at uchicago dot edu
At the moment I'm fixing up typos and grammatical mistakes in both
sets, so to those who've already paid and to those who might be
interested the questions will be available to be sent out by around
next Tuesday.
e-mail me if you have any questions,