In conjunction with the academic PriCK Midwest mirror that is planned
for Saturday, October 18th, 2003 at Northwestern University
(Evanston, IL), Loyola University Chicago College Bowl would like to
gauge interest in a trash tournament to be held at the Lake Shore
Campus. We are tentatively planning to host this undergraduate-only
tournament, "LUC, I Am Your Father," on Sunday, October 19th, 2003.
The Lake Shore Campus of Loyola is, by car, about 20 minutes from
Northwestern, and can be reached from NU's campus by driving directly
down Sheridan Road out of Evanston and into beautiful Chicago, IL.
(Public transportation routes are also available.) The tournament
will be round-robin, packet-submission, and limited to
pre-baccalaureate undergraduate students, up to their 5th year in
college or university studies. If you are interested in playing,
please contact us at luccollegebowl (at)
Fees are as follows:
$70 base fee
-$5 for a working set of buzzers
-$10 for a competent moderator
-$10 for teams traveling over 400 miles
-$5 for early packet submission
Minimum: $40
Details for Northwestern's PriCK mirror can be found in message 12919
on this messageboard:
Thanks for your time!
Charlie Baumhart, President, LUC College Bowl
Alma Molino, Director of Networking, LUC College Bowl