Seeing as how school is starting up, I think I should point out that
there is a new set of forums for QB discussion/announcements/etc
available at (it is case sensitive). There
is a set of high school forums there, and if you register for the
forums there is a series of college ones available as well.
Matt Weiner owns the site, but a variety of active community members
have been designated as moderators, and the board format has been
tested by the high school QB forums that have been up on his site for
months. The forums provide a good online discussion format that
solves the problems of poor layout, frequent and obstructive
advertisements, lack of topic division, generally inactive moderating
staff, etc that exist on Yahoo Groups, so it's definitely worth
checking out. I believe Matt has talked to the moderators of this
group about it, so you should probably see a post from him on the
topic soon.
Just letting you know.