Hi, everyone!
We'd like to remind you about our upcoming tournaments at Iowa State.
The Iowa State Fall Tournament will be held on Saturday, 8 November
2003, with TRASH Regional to be held the next day. Both tournaments
will be held in Carver Hall, where just about every ISU tournament
since the beginning of time has been held.
The Fall Tournament is being written in-house, so no packet
submission is required. Base fees are $100 ($50 for novice teams)
with buzzer discounts, travel discounts, and a THIRTY-DOLLAR discount
for bringing an experienced moderator. The fee schedule for TRASH is
TBA, but there will be a discount for teams attending both
Teams which have already expressed interest for the tournament(s)
include Carleton, Loyola, Drake, and Arkansas. Join this exclusive
Specific fees, schedules, discounts, construction updates,
directions, restaurants, and general tournament information can be
found at http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/quiz/isft2003.html . And, as
usual, any questions or registrations can be directed to the
appropriate tournament director:
Iowa State Fall Tournament: Michael Falk (mjf27 at iastate dot edu).
TRASH Regional: Matt Cvijanovich (bigc at iastate dot edu).
Thanks for your time, and we hope to see you in Ames in November!
-Michael Falk