Howdy, all--
As an earlier request of a trade of the complete set of questions
from the November 7-8 Delta Burke Invitational at Valencia CC in
return for science questions stirred little interest, let me hit some
of you undergrads and ramen-noodle-eating grad students where you
live: I'll pay $50 for 16 toss-ups and 16 boni of mACF-lite
science. And I'll toss in the question set, too. At most I'll need
only two 32 tosses and boni, so the first two to contact me at
cborglum at valenciacc dot edu will have the opportunity. I need the
questions no later than October 10, and I'd like a variety of sub-
categories in the grouping (chem, physics, bio, the usual). The
difficulty level should be reasonable junior bird (these are true
freshmen and sophomores, after all). Drop me a line quickly if
you're interested.
--chris borglum