I want to repost the announcement for UMR's annual tournament:
Rollapalooza. Unlike previous years, the questions will be NAQT (IS-
37). The tournament is going to be held on October 18th, followed by
FOGHAT on Sunday (e-mail Jeremy at jeremy_white(at)ameritech.net).
We will be using un-timed NAQT rounds, with DI and DII brackets, only
if we have enough DI teams.
The fee structure will be as follows:
Base fee—$90
-$15 for each subsequent team
-$5 for a working buzzer system
-$10 for bring a moderator (lunch will be provided for them)
-$5 for driving over 250 miles
-$10 for driving over 400 miles
Minimum fee—$50
To register, e-mail me at wcsq4f(at)umr.edu
Thank you and I hope to see you at Rollapalooza 2003.
Bill Stallard
P.S. The ACO was wondering if there would be interest in a touch
football tournament after Rollapalooza; let me know what you think.