Jason - I don't know you. However, based on what others on this
board generally think of you, you might have brought this on
yourself a bit... But, I don't know and I'm certainly not here to
judge. God knows I have had some serious problems with some of my
teammates, many of whom thought I was an arrogant jerk. Sometimes I
am. Other times it was just miscommunication. This just comes with
the territory of being the leader.
At any rate, it does seem like in a way you got screwed over. You
obviously know a good deal more about quiz bowl than anyone willing
to use Trivial Pursuit questions in practice. I coach a Middle
School Team, and I wouldn't even use Trivial Pursuit at that level,
much less college. But that's just my two cents. Hang in there...
and if the accusations are true, try to cut your teammates some
slack. I know it sucks to watch a team you care about being run in
a manner contradictory to what you "know" to be best, but sometimes
you just gotta grit your teeth and bare it. Good luck.
-Lee Henry