Personally, I think this problem is more reflective of this board itself than of the way it is being used. Without any means of condensing discussions in seperate threads to keep things topical or any division of forums to accomodate the different aspects of the game people wish to discuss, the end result is often a painfully disorganized mess where flamewars, theory discussions, advice requests, and tournament announcements all crowd each other's space and make things hard to follow. Oh, and the frequent advertisments suck too. So, an apology for what basically amounts to a thread hijack and a shill, but I still recommend you and other readers check out Matt Weiner's college forums ( at ). The format is far superior and keeps different forums for different discussion themes; that way you can browse your announcements and information threads without reading flames, and people who want to can make relevant criticisms of other posters without random people butting in and patronizing them. I just don't get why so much of the circuit continues to use the inferior Yahoo group format when far better options are out there. Problems like this (among others) would not come up on a forum with divided topics and threading. Anyway, I'll probably keep using Yahoo since so many people in the circuit do, but I really hope people realize there are other options and migrate elsewhere. --- In, "Alan Lamb" <smallsheep3_at_h...> wrote: > Uhh.. when I signed up for this list, I assumed it was going to be about > good quizbowl topics like, "UCLA has a comp. coming up", or "I would like a > good source of quiz questions". I do not think that those of us who dont > know the other people on this list by name will get much out of personal > insults. Let's try to keep those to a minimum, thank you. > > Alan Lamb > TAMS Quizbowl Chair > > >From: "Matt Weiner" <darwins_bulldog1138_at_y...> > >Reply-To: > >To: <> > >Subject: Re: [quizbowl] Trivial Pursuit and Quizbowl > >Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:55:42 -0400 > > > >More likely, they objected to you. There are plenty of teams who can expose > >new people to qb without essentially doing an entirely different activity > >under the name of "quizbowl." None of these teams contain a person who has > >publicly bashed his teammates (when he's not bashing non-Christians, > >tornado > >victims, or the state of Kansas.) > > > >Get someone who is not you to explain the extremely complex and difficult > >connection between *quizbowl* and *quizbowl questions* and people will be > >more receptive. > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Need more e-mail storage? Get 10MB with Hotmail Extra Storage. >
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