Hello Everyone, I am Mark Ealick and I am the new President of Quiz
Bowl at Mizzou. I would like thank the moderators for allwoing me to
join the group and I would like just to introduce myself a little
bit. I'm a sophmore, my major is History-Political Science, this is
my first semester as Prsident and I hope to learn alot from everyone
here. If anybody has any questions about Mizzou tournaments or
anything else please feel free to contact me at my email
maerg8_at_.... Also anyone with any questions, comments or
concerns about what happened with the team and its leadership feel
free to ask and I will respond with a personal email. I however will
not post anything public about Jason Mueller unless deemed necessary
to clear up any misunderstandings. Thanks again everybody for
allowing me to join this group.
Mark Ealick (President Mizzou College Bowl)