As some of you know, Dave and I run a small company that produces trivia games for restaurants in the Atlanta area. We're looking for talented writers to help supply our business with questions. What we need are simple questions that would be appropriate for a high school or juniorbird level tournament. The questions we need are much shorter than average quizbowl style, containing no more than two facts. We need questions in all subject areas, both academic and pop-culture. Take a look at the sample questions below for an idea of our style. We'll pay seventy-five cents for each submitted question as it is used in our games. In addition, we'll pay two dollars for multi-part bonus questions, similar to the examples below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email either myself (rejected_skittles at yahoo dot com) or Dave (dmleach at yahoo dot com). We look forward to working with you! [ Sample questions ] Gordon Sumner is the real name of what rock musician? What city serves as the setting for Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire?" Emperor, Gentoo, Rockhopper and Humboldt are among the seventeen species of what type of bird? What quarterback threw the pass that resulted in the so- called "Immaculate Reception" in December, 1972? Where would you go to find the nearly 900 mysterious giant stone statues known locally as "moai?" What was the first Japanese motorcycle manufacturer to enter the United States markey, doing so in 1958? [ Sample bonuses ] Which six modern day states lie entirely within the area of the Louisiana Purchase? What countries or empires were ruled by the following "great" leaders: Catherine the Great (1762-96)? Alexander the Great (336-23 BC)? Theodosius the Great (379-95)? Frederick the Great (1740-86)?
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