Just a couple of quick notes:
PENN BOWL the 13th is currently scheduled for Friday-Saturday,
January 23-24, 2004.
Full details will be coming in the next week and a half (most likely
next Tuesday or Wednesday), including details on a mirror.
Rules and format will be substantially the same as last year:
* Untimed rounds with power tossups
* Distribution somewhere between ACF and NAQT
* Difficulty approximately that of NAQT sectionals
* Prelim games Friday evening/Saturday morning, with playoff brackets
and single-elim playoffs Saturday afternoon
We're still working out the final details on packet requirements,
although, since the new format allows each team's questions to be
used in *two* packets (no matter how few questions are submitted), it
will most likely be 24/24 for one team, and 42/42 for two teams.
Also, I have posted two rounds from last year's Penn Bowl to the
pennbowl.tripod.com site. They are in PDF format, and can be accessed
using these URLs:
These should give a rough indication of the desired difficulty and
Again, full details will be posted in about a week.