Once again, WUAT is pleased to announce that it's ninth Gateway Invitational Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 8th. The questions will be provided by NAQT (IS I forget which number but it won't be an overlap), and should be ideal for younger, D2 oriented teams as has been the case in recent years. GIT's tournament director will once again be Joel Gluskin ( jagluski AT SYMBOL artsci.wustl.edu ). Depending on the level of interest we may break it into two divisions based on experience. (We have no problem with grad students playing in a D1 division so long as they are enrolled in the institution they're representing.) Exact times and locations will be forthcoming as well as the fee structure which will either be the same as last year's or slightly less, we have yet to run the numbers. As previously announced, we will also host TRASH Regionals that weekend on Sunday, the 9th. The TD for this tournament will be myself, Sean Phillips ( allythin AT SYMBOL hotmail.com im name: allythin). The fee structure for that tournament is as follows: First Team - $75 Second Team - $60 Third Team + - $50 DISCOUNTS: Buzzer - $10 Each Game Official - $10 Each The absolute minimum a "veteran" team will pay to play is $40. A TRASH newbie team (i.e. KU, all you new Illinois teams that have been popping up, Truman, I am looking in your direction) WILL PAY ONLY $20. That's amazing Ron! Isn't that amazing folks? Anyway, it looks to be a fun weekend with incredibly f'ed up prizes on the TRASH end of things, so c'mon spend the weekend with us in STL. Hope to see everyone in November. Sean Phillips Vice-President of WUAT
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