Please reply to Jeff Hanson at jsh21_at_... .
Case Western Reserve University Celebrity Shoot Invitation 2003
It's that time again! Greetings from the CWRU Trivia Team as we get
ready to host the 2003 edition of the Celebrity Shoot.
In case you need a brief run-down of how the tournament works, point
your web browser to (the page is
a little dated; if you have any questions, please ask).
This year's Celebrity Shoot will take place on October 25.
Entry fee information:
First team: $40, four team members without alternates
Additional students: $5 each
Registrations are due Wednesday, October 22, 2003. Send them to
The competition is open to all interested high school (grades 9-12)
academic teams, though keep in mind that the coaches can play along
for fun!
Registration will tentatively take place from 7:45-8:30am with the
team meeting beginning at 9:00. A more detailed schedule will be
sent out when the tournament nears.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jeff Hanson at
jsh21_at_.... For information about Case's Trivia team, go to .
I hope to see you all in beautiful Cleveland!
Jeff Hanson
CWRU College President