The Middle School team that I coach here in Alabama is hosting an
invitational tournament on Oct. 25. If anyone is interested in
submitting 15 Middle School level tossups and 10 2-part bonuses, I
will return the favor by sending you a complete set of Novice
Collegiate Questions that will be used at Athens State University's
2-year tournament in January (Unfortunately, you will have to wait
until after the tournament in January to get your questions).
Anyway, I don't figure too many of you will take me up on this
offer, but it's worth a shot to save some money. If you're
interested, e-mail me at charolee_at_....
Guidelines: I need 15 tossups suitable for Middle School level.
These need NOT be pyramidal. One to two line questions are
sufficient. Also, leave out any "FTP" prompts as some of the
questions will be worth 5 or 15 points.
I also need 10 2-part bonuses suitable for Middle School Level.
You can write questions in any subject area and I will cut and paste
to make suitable packets.
Again, if interested e-mail me at charolee_at_... or just send
the questions on. I will e-mail you the full set of Collegiate
Questions (at least 10 rounds, ACF style) around the 1st of Feb.
-Lee Henry
Athens State University Quiz Bowl
Brindlee Mountain Middle School Scholars Bowl Coach