Conserve School, Wayland Academy, The University of Wisconsin-Madison and NAQT are proud to announce five Wisconsin NAQT style Quiz Bowl tournaments for the 2003-2004 season: November 8, 2003: Conserve School Varsity-Frosh/Soph Challenge in Land O$B!G(BLakes December 6, 2003: University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall Tournament January 31, 2004: Wayland Academy Tournament in Beaver Dam February 28, 2004: Conserve School Varsity Tournament in Land O$B!G(B Lakes March 27, 2004: NAQT Wisconsin State Championship at U of Wisconsin-Madison We hope your school will be able to send one or more teams to compete in one or more of these tournaments! All five tournaments will feature Varsity divisions and the Conserve School Varsity-Frosh/Soph Challenge will also feature a Frosh/Soph division open only to players in 10th grade or below. Top finishers in all Wisconsin NAQT tournaments will receive bids to the 2004 NAQT High School National Championship Tournament! Each tournament will feature between 12 and 24 teams, depending on school interest. Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of six games, with round robins being held in the morning and playoff round robins being held in the afternoon. The Registration Fee is $65 per team, per tournament, with discounts up to $35 per team available as indicated on the Registration and Fact Sheets, including a $20 discount for new teams and up to a $20 discount for signing up for multiple tournaments! To be eligible for multiple tournament discounts, complete registrations (including payment) must be received by October 25, 2003. A complete registration should include the following materials (electronic submissions are preferred, with the exception of the check, of course): $B""(B Completely filled out Registration Form (SEE BELOW) $B""(B Completed seeding quiz (e-mail Phil Blessman at Phil.Blessman_at_... for a copy) $B""(B Check (for your convenience, only one check is required: payable to Conserve School) For the tournament programs: $B""(B Recent Team Photo with caption (if digital, this needs to be at least 300 dpi) $B""(B Team Roster including names, year (Sr, Jr, So, Fr) and captains. $B""(B Optional: A short interesting $B!H(Bblurb$B!I(B about your school, team or a player. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to welcoming you to our tournaments! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of us at any time! More info can also be found on the Fact Sheet (below) Phil Blessman Conserve Quiz Bowl Kurt Walters Wayland Quiz Bowl Brian Ulrich UW-Madison Quiz Bowl R. Robert Hentzel NAQT President ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 2003-2004 NAQT Wisconsin Tournaments: Fact Sheet Dates: Nov. 8, 2003: Conserve Varsity-Frosh/Soph Challenge in Land O$B!G(BLakes Dec. 6, 2003: University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall Tournament Jan. 31, 2004: Wayland Academy Tournament in Beaver Dam Feb. 28, 2004: Conserve School Varsity Tournament in Land O$B!G(BLakes Mar. 27, 2004: NAQT WI State Championship at UW-Madison Tournament Managers: Conserve School: Phil Blessman e-mail: Phil.Blessman_at_... Phone: 715-547-1341 Fax: 715-547-1386 UW-Madison: Brian Ulrich e-mail: st_aidan_at_... Wayland Academy: Kurt Walters e-mail: kwalters_at_... Phone: (920) 885-3373 Fax: (920) 887-3373 NAQT: R. Robert Hentzel e-mail: topquark_at_... Locations: Conserve School, 5400 N. Black Oak Lake Rd., Land O$B!G(BLakes, WI 54540 UW-Madison, exact location on campus TBA Wayland Academy, 101 N. University Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Registration Deadline: To take advantage of the multiple tournament discounts, registration forms and checks (payable to Conserve School) must be received by Saturday, October 25, 2003. Tournament Rules: National Academic Quiz Tournaments ( Tournament Format: Between 16 and 24 teams; 4-8 Team Round Robins (depending on how many teams sign up) in the morning and then Round Robin Playoffs in the afternoon. Minimum of six games per team. Cost per tournament: $65 base fee per 4 player team ($40 minimum fee ($30 for new teams)) -$20 discount if your school$B!G(Bs never played in a quiz bowl tournament -$10 discount if you bring a working buzzer system -$10 discount if you bring a competent official (scorer) -$5 if you sign up for two Wisconsin NAQT Tournaments -$10 if you sign up for three Wisconsin NAQT Tournaments -$15 if you sign up for four Wisconsin NAQT Tournaments -$20 if you sign up for four Wisconsin NAQT Tournaments Food/Lodging: At Conserve School: Meals are $5 each; lodging $10/night per person, please contact Phil Blessman ASAP if you$B!G(Bre interested in lodging, as space is limited. At UW-Madison: Lunch on your own, special rate hotel TBA At Wayland Academy: Lunch is $5; special rate hotel TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- Wisconsin NAQT Tournaments Registration and Information Form School Name:_________________________ School Address:__________________________ School City:______________________________________ State: ______ ZIP:_____________ Current Quiz Bowl Record: ____________ (please update by e-mail until 1 week prior to tourn.) Recent Quiz Bowl Successes: ____________________________________________________ We can bring a lockout system: $B""(B Yes $B""(B No If yes: Model: ___________________________ Coach$B!G(Bs Name(s):_____________________ Tournament Official (if any):__________________ Head Coach$B!G(Bs e-mail:___________________________________________________________ Head Coach$B!G(Bs Phone Numbers: (w)_____________ (h) ______________ (fax)______________ Fee Schedule (per team, per tournament): $65 Base Fee (check all applicable discounts below) $B""(B -$20 first year team $B""(B -$10 working buzzer system $B""(B -$10 competent game official $B""(B -$5 entering two WI NAQT tournaments * $B""(B -$10 entering three WI NAQT tournaments * $B""(B -$15 entering four WI NAQT tournaments * $B""(B -$20 entering five WI NAQT tournaments * $____ ($40 minimum fee after discounts ($30 for first year teams, i.e. teams who have never attended an NAQT Tournament)) [* only one of these discounts can be claimed, i.e. check the largest one.] Amount due based on number of four person teams entered in respective tournaments (please fill in the cost per team, per tournament according to the fee schedule above): Tournament Check Number of Teams $/team $ Total . Nov 8 Conserve V-F/S ChallengeV: $B""(B 1 $B""(B 2 + F/S: $B""(B 1 $B""(B 2 =___ * ______=$ _______ Lodging (contact Phil B. before registering): $10 * # of people* # of nights =$ _______ Meals: $5 * Number of meals =$ _______ Dec 6 UW-Madison Tournament V: $B""(B 1 $B""(B 2 $B""(B 3 $B""(B 4 * ______=$ _______ Jan31 Wayland Academy Tourn.V: $B""(B 1 $B""(B 2 $B""(B 3 $B""(B 4 * ______=$ _______ Feb28 Conserve Varsity Tourn. V: $B""(B 1 $B""(B 2 $B""(B 3 $B""(B 4 * ______=$ _______ Lodging (contact Phil B. before registering): $10 * # of people* # of nights =$ _______ Meals: $5 * Number of meals =$ _______ Mar27 NAQT WI State at UW-M V: $B""(B 1 $B""(B 2 * ______=$ _______ Total Amount Due: =$ _______ Registration Checklist: $B""(B Completely filled out Registration Form $B""(B Completed Seeding Quiz $B""(B Check payable to Conserve School: $B""(B Enclosed $B""(B Will be mailed separately to arrive by 10/25/2003 $B""(B Recent Team Photo with caption (if digital, this needs to be at least 300 dpi) $B""(B Team Roster including names, year (Sr, Jr, So, Fr) and captains. $B""(B Optional: A short interesting $B!H(Bblurb$B!I(B about your school, team or one of your players Send Registration Materials to: Phil Blessman Conserve School 5400 N. Black Oak Lake Road Land O$B!G(BLakes, WI 54540 Phone: (715) 547-1341 Fax: (715) 547-1386, Attn: Phil Blessman Phil.Blessman_at_... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
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