Club members --
Now that all of the
Sectionals have completed, it is fine to talk about the
questions in this forum (or on the mailing list).
you have specific comments or criticisms about the
questions or the Sectionals experience in general, please
send it to NAQT, temporarily via
If we receive the full statistical results on time
from the hosts, we expect to be able to present the
list of qualifying teams this Thursday or Friday.
Information about hotel reservations and airline discounts
will also be provided at that point.
Every team
that won its Division I (Open), Division I
(Undergraduate), or Division II field this weekend has earned an
automatic bid to the ICT. In addition, each host has
secured an automatic Division I (pending timely delivery
of tournament statistics.)
-- R. Robert
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic
Quiz Tournaments, LLC