Ahoy, science people. I'm editing COTKU questions and could use some
more good science questions. I'm especially short in chemistry but
could use biology, physics, and to a lesser extent astronomy, earth
science, etc. We will trade a short tournament set (such as this
summer's Moc Masters or Muck Masters, or our most recent high school
tournament) for even modest contributions (say, 4/4) in those areas
received by late Wed. night. E-mail me at steinhic (at) bellsouth
(dot) net if interested.
[IMPORTANT: If you're playing in the COTKU mirrors at Harvard or
Berekely, please let me know. I could still take some assorted
science questions in different categories, so long as I could confine
them to one round and note your name among the contributors. But I
couldn't use, say, 4/4 chemistry from someone who's playing.]