The following is the fee structure for the Gateway Invitational
Tournament at WUSTL on Nov. 8. Again it will be using an NAQT IS.
Note the prices are a little lower than previous years in hopes that
people will use the money to stick around the next day for TRASH
regs (particularly you new teams out there or those of you who've
never done TRASH:)).
Base Fee-$70
Discount for a functional buzzer-$10
Discount for a competent moderator/official- $10
Discount for teams traveling from more than 400 miles away (as
determined by mapquest)-$10
Additional Teams-$60
Minimum for the first team-$50
If you wish to register please email Joel Gluskin at jagluski [AT
A reminder, we will also be hosting TRASH regionals on Sunday Nov.
9, the fee for which is just $20 if you've never done a TRASH
regionals, TRASHionals, or Viva Trash Vegas. I'll repost the fee
structure later but if you already know you're interested, please
email myself at allythin [AT symbol]
See you all in November!,
Sean Phillips
Vice-President of WUAT