I just wanted to put in a completely unsolicited plug for the Berry
Early Bird tournament that is being held on Nov. 15 (possible 14th
and 15th if there are enough teams).
In case you don't know, this Berry Early Bird is THE OLDEST
invitational collegiate quiz bowl tournament in the nation (well
over 30 years, though the exact escapes me). Therefore, it carries
a good deal of prestige. I went last year, and despite the very few
teams there, it was a great tournament. I hope that there will be a
much larger field this year. The Berry folks know what to do, and
it's always great to chat with the legendary Dr. Gordon Carper who I
am sure will make an appearance.
Anyway, I strongly encourage all undergrad teams in the area (and
beyond) to e-mail Dr. Carpenter at wcarpenter_at_... and register
your teams for this tournament.
Lee Henry
Athens State University Quiz Bowl