Glad you enjoyed the Pepsico plethora. My only regret is that I have
but one tournament at which to shill for my company.
In a related note, in response to the many questions/comments I
fielded regarding the addictiveness of cheese Quakes, I have checked
with the product developmers who strongly assured me there is no crack
in the yellow topping.
Jeremy White
Sr. Engineer, Gatorade/Trop Ambient Process Development and
Self-Appointed Head of Quiz Bowl Event Marketing, Midwestern Region
--- In, allythin <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
...I'd also like to thank Jeremy for
> continuing his tradition of providing products from Pepsi-Co. as he
> has done in years past. Most of y'all haven't been to FOGHAT so
> wouldn't know that this spread of food and drinks lasts all day and
> there's generally stuff left over to take, which for those of us in
> STL who are currently in week 3 of a grocery worker strike was
> GREATLY appreciated. We all look forward to doing it again in the
> not too distant future.
> Sean Phillips