> From: myamphigory
> I'm just curious; were there actually postdoctoral students playing
> at COTKU, or is this more silly hyperbole a la "waahh waahh thirty-
> eight-year-old graduate students played at ACF Fall"?
I'm wondering what exactly a "postdoctoral student" is. In my field and other sciences I'm familiar with, a postdoc is a *job*, i.e. you're considered part of the university faculty / staff (or somewhere in the grey area in between those, depending on the institution). The academic job ads include listings for "postdoctoral research associates" -- you finish your Ph.D., then start a full-time job at (usually) another institution. Postdoctoral researchers certainly aren't registered with the college / univ. registrar's office as students.
Is it different in, e.g., the humanities?
That said, postdocs should be eligible on the basis as any other non-student, i.e. if the T.D. allows non-traditional teams.