I'd just like to remind folks that we'll be holding Puppy Chow next
weekend (November 1st); it'll remain an NAQT Junior Bird event as
usual. We've heard from Yale and Dartmouth so far (apologies to Yale
for the delay). Fees will look like so:
$100 base
-$10 for buzzers.
-$10 for moderators (the club's getting kind of small, so we'd really
appreciate it if folks brought readers or other staff).
-$60 for each extra team.
So far as the NE Trash Regional, I believe we've heard from Brandeis
to the tune of two or three teams as well, but can't seem to dig up
an e-mail about it - if someone from there (or anyone else wanting to
register) would send a note to kwhurt_at_..., things would get a lot