Results from WIT XI, held one week ago at Berkeley:
1. UCLA (9-1)
2. Stanford A (7-3)
3. Stanford B (6-4)
4. Berkeley B (6-4)
5. Berkeley A (3-7)
6. Berkeley C (3-7)
7. Caltech A (3-7)
8. Caltech B (3-7)
Stanford B and Berkeley B split their games; the four teams in the
lower playoff bracket were all 3-3 against each other. All ties
were broken by ppg.
The top five scorers were Jerry Vinokurov, Berkeley B (70.5 ppg);
Joon Pahk, Stanford B (70.0); Eric Smith, Stanford A (64.0); Charles
Meigs, UCLA (58.0); and Brendan Shapiro, Berkeley A (49.0). Jerry
led the field with 29 negs.
More details can be found on our website:
I'd like to thank Charlie Steinhice for providing the COTKU
questions that made this tournament possible, as well as all of the
Berkeley folks who helped me edit, write, and staff, to wit: Juliana
Froggatt, Larissa Kelly, Paul Lujan, Ray Luo, Jon Pennington, and
Seth Teitler.
Jeff Hoppes
Berkeley Quiz Bowl
Tournament Director, WIT XI