The following are the teams that I currently have registered for the
tournament, which takes place Saturday, 11/8/03. If any of the below
info is incorrect or I forget you, please email me asap. If you have
not yet registered and would like to, email me to register by Monday,
11/3/03 at 7pm central time. My email is jagluski at artsci dot
wustl dot edu. Sunday 11/9/03, we are also hosting TRASH regionals.
To register for that, email Sean Phillips at allythin at hotmail dot
Registered Teams for GIT:
Oklahoma 2-3 teams(can I have an exact number, please?)
Illinois-Springfield 1 team
Wichita State 1 team
Henderson State 2 teams
Kansas 2 teams
Truman State 2 teams
Tulsa 1 team
Joel Gluskin
GIT Tournament Director