First of all, congrats to all the winning
I'm looking for question guidelines for BCBC at UMBC
and Kreme Cheese at Penn. I'm also looking for
deadlines, etc. If anybody has this info, or knows where to
find it, could they email it to me or post it so I can
get it? Thanks.
Secondly, in another shameless
As most of you know, I'm trying to start a Trash
poll for the top 15 players. So far, I have received
ballots from Greg Sorenson, Mark Coen, Brian Hight, James
Quintong, Craig Barker, and Adam Fine.
For those who
would like to submit, it's pretty easy. Just rank the
top 15 individual players, undergrads, grads, masters
are all fair game. No ties please. (Craig, please
break that or I will.)
Please limit pool to people
who have played in a Trash event in the past
Also, pass the word on to anyone you can think of who
doesn't check this site. If someone could post to the qb
site, since I am not a member, that would be nice. My
email is Caz801_at_....
Thank you and I look
forward to receiving ballots,