I put a bunch of the various message (bulletin) boards by which the qb community
can communicate. If I missed any, please add.
The purposes are several, foremost to notify people of secondary and tertiary
information channels. Redundancy is good to an extent, it protects against
Also the growth (or lack of growth) of quizbowl can be tracked by number of
communication outlets. 15 years ago there was 1 newsletter (quarterly). 10 years
ago there was just starting and a second newsletter. This
was followed by a mailing list (run by Paul Harm, whose archive has been lost?), and
then R. Hentzel's Iowa State-based list.
This group was formed almost 5 years ago. The traffic dropped when it moved
from Yahoo Clubs to Yahoo Groups, and has not regained (this can be seen as good
or bad, since moderation has been introduced, the flamewars have moved). Further
has been the introduction of chat rooms, which relieve some of the traffic from the
bulletin boards.
So, is quizbowl growing, flat, or shrinking?