Hi again:
Today's TRASH Regional now also has stats online, at
http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/quiz/tournaments/trash2003/ .
Both with 10-1 records in the round robin, Iowa Shelby
Foote Soldiers met Tia and the TRASHmen in the
championship game. After 20 tossups the teams tied at
185 and went into sudden death, when Tia and the
TRASHmen correctly answered tossup 22 to take the
title home.
Leading scorers were Tater Salad of Iowa Shelby Foote
Soldiers (61.82 PPG), Lothair of Iowa Shelby Footie
Pajamas (59.55 PPG), Robert of Northwestern Long Name
(55.00 PPG), and Ryan of Loyola Welcome to the L.U.C.
Bitch (48.64 PPG).
On behalf of TD Matt Cvijanovich, I am
-Michael Falk, Webmaster/Historian, ISU Academic Quiz Club