DUCK Bowl III: feeler

On Sean's mention of DUCK Bowl, I'd like to throw out a feeler to 
see if there is enough interest on having DUCK Bowl III the Sunday 
after we host NAQT SCT. SCT will be Feb 7, and therefore, we're 
considering having DUCK Bowl III on Feb 8. 

This year will be a bit different; we'll be trying a themed packet 
tournament (TRASH, as usual).  The packets will be TUs only, written 
in-house and by freelancers; no packet submission necessary. 

No obligation to come, of course, but if this date works with 
people, and you are considering coming, please email me at dpuducks 
[at] yahoo [dot] com

If you are interested in freelancing, we have a list of ideas, or 
you can bring your own idea, barring approval. If interested, please 
email DUCK Bowl III TD Kyle Shipley ( kshipley [at] depauw [dot] 
edu )

Hope to hear from you soon, so we can get planning underway.


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