The Duke College Bowl team invites all interested high school academic teams
to compete at the 2004 Duke Academic Festival, on Saturday, February 14.
The event will be held on Duke's East Campus. Teams must register directly
by email to the Tournament Director (Dr. Chuck at etchuck_at_...) by
February 1. The entry fee is $95 for the first team of four to six
students, with additional teams at $65. Buzzer discounts of $20 (each) are
available to all teams with an additional early registration fee discount of
$10 if the first team is registered by January 15. Minimum entry fee is $35
per team. The Duke Academic Festival traditionally features the best
academic teams from across the Southeast, and we expect to limit our field
to 36 to 48 teams.
This year's game format will consist of two sets of 10 tossup (individual
buzzer, no consultation) questions followed by bonus (team consultation)
questions with a handout round. All questions will be written in-house by
the Duke team. We look forward to seeing your team compete this winter.
Emil Thomas Chuck, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center
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